
The ‘Driver List’ page is where you can add, edit and delete drivers from the list. The information fields on this page include code, name, disabled status (checked/unchecked), CDL License No., CDL Expiration Date, and Medical Exam Date for each driver.

Add a New Driver

When you’re ready to add a new driver to the list, click on ‘+New’. Entering a code for the driver is required, the remaining fields (name, license no., license expiration date, medical exam date) are optional. When you have added information in the desired fields, simply exit the Driver List.

Edit the Driver List

Clicking ‘Edit List’ gives you access to every field on the list of drivers. Simply type the new information into the desired fields and the system will automatically save your changes.

Delete a Driver

Highlight the intended driver by clicking anywhere on the driver’s line of information. You will see an arrow pointing to the driver’s line as well as the line being highlighted (unless you are already in ‘Edit List’ mode). Click on ‘Delete’ and you will be prompted to confirm that you wish to delete the selected driver. Be sure you are on the intended driver as this cannot be undone.

Disable a Driver

You can change the status of a driver to “disabled” when you want to temporarily avoid assigning loads to a driver rather than deleting them from the list. Simply click the box under the ‘disabled’ column within the ‘Driver List’ page. When a driver is checked as disabled, they will not be displayed when a user is selecting a driver to assign to a load.

Last updated